17 January 2012

Quail breeding

Quail hatching eggs
Create a family - to 5 hens a rooster. Get hatching eggs and lay in an incubator home (up to 100 pieces). Twice a day manually flip the eggs on the 17th day of getting offspring. Hatchability 80%.
The first 5 days, the chicks are living under a lamp in a box with a layer of compacted hay 3-4cm. This solves the problem of so-called "helicopter" or "sliders" - chicks with weak legs in hand, crawling on the belly. 2-3 days in the manger everything "helicopters" straighten and stand on their feet.

Few words about quail cage

Cage for quails
Unfortunately, sold for parrots, canaries, the cells will not work. Quails are not sitting on the branches and do not like to swing on a swing. They need a mesh floor with a slope of 7 degrees, sank to litter, and the eggs rolled out to collecter of eggs.

Growing Quail at the home

Brooder for Quails
So, you decide. Cell and 10 birds - the most important thing is your desire. By the way, with the birds feed on the first 2-3 months, I give.
First of all decide the location for the cell. Best of all - a dark corner of the room or the kitchen, where the sun does not hit and daylight enough to do without backlighting. We need to try to ensure the bird 16-17 hours of daylight. Place a cell may be on the table, on a shelf.

Quail- puoltry or game bird?

Californian quail
This quail Japanese, the basic form for the production of eggs. Meat is the "Pharaohs". And yet there are Manchu, English, marble and other decorative even.
I like it hot - good trot, fairly well-fed (excess males will still go to the meat). Yes and no wonder the Japanese have their 200 years of breeding. As a result of this breeding - females are concerned only with their egg production. Not weave nests, eggs hatch and not the South do not fly away. In general, try not to fly, but escaped accidentally from a cell, can flit in the room. Wild quail are found also in the Transbaikal, Primorye, Japan, Korea and China. I know that there are thousands of Abkhazia catch nets during the fall flight.

11 January 2012

Quail eggs

Cooking quail eggs
For many gourmet quail eggs have become a familiar dish. And for its nutritional and biochemical properties are much superior to the chicken and are valuable antibacterial, immunomodulatory and antitumor product. Four or five quail eggs in mass equal to one chicken.Biochemical Data: One gram of eggs of quail, as compared with the usual chicken, contains trace elements and vitamins:Iron - more than 4 times.Vitamin A - more than 2.5 times.Copper - 2.2 times.Vitamin B1 - 2,8 times.Cobalt - 2.2 times.Vitamin B2 - 2.2 timesPhosphorus - 4.5 times.Potassium - 4.5 times

10 January 2012

About the quail eggs and benefits of health

About the quail egg perepilinom and benefits of health
Quail - a bird of "golden"!Why do so many professionals speak and fans, using the bright epithet in relation to the youngest members of the order of chicken?Can eggs they actually made of precious metals, as in the famous fairy tale "about Hen Ryaba" or even some kind of feature is available to these birds, unknown to the ordinary man in the street?Or maybe the secret, hidden from us for seven seals!?Got it!Of course, there is gold and features, and the secret ...

Quail tips for beginners

One of the most pressing issues facing the novice perepelovodom - lack of experience and the necessary information to get started. I want to give some basic information to the visitors of my site, who think to breed quails. These tips are not in any way claim to be complete and comprehensive course for beginner perepelovoda, but I think that they can help you avoid some errors that occur at the beginning of your work.

Growing quail

Cartoon quail
Contain quail at home no more difficult than any other poultry. With a small number ofthem can be kept even in urban apartments. The cell can be any, such as parakeets orcanaries, but it is better to use a special cell just for quail. In this case, and the bird willfeel better, and you take care of it will be easier and easier.
The type and size of cages for quail depend on how many birds you intend to maintain and where the bird will be placed. The cells can be produced by, and you can buy ready-made in perepelovodov - fans, many of them unnecessarily with the birds and theircages offer made ​​specifically for the content of quail.

About quail

Quail ordinary (genus Coturnix coturnix) - bird pheasant family, the order of chicken. It is the smallest representative unit of chicken. The length of the body 16 - 20 cm, weight - 80 - 150 g.
Color of feathers - brown - brown, mottled with white and strokes. In males, crop and color around the eyes - red, female - lighter. This is clearly seen in this photo - it is left to the male cock, right - the chicken-a female.

28 December 2011

Everething about the Quail

This blog is about Quail birds, Quail eggs for hattching and cooking, Quail breeding, raising and growing, incubation, how to make cage for quails, quail reciepes- all about Coturnix in Ireland and Wexford county.