17 January 2012

Growing Quail at the home

Brooder for Quails
So, you decide. Cell and 10 birds - the most important thing is your desire. By the way, with the birds feed on the first 2-3 months, I give.
First of all decide the location for the cell. Best of all - a dark corner of the room or the kitchen, where the sun does not hit and daylight enough to do without backlighting. We need to try to ensure the bird 16-17 hours of daylight. Place a cell may be on the table, on a shelf.

Although the bird quickly becomes accustomed to the presence of humans, excess melteshenie near the cage is not desirable. Beware of any sudden movements, and in close proximity to birds, yet they are fearful because of the nature of the predators do not give to relax. Top of the cell is better to cover cardboard.
Keep in mind that the quail, as well as any bird that is the source of a certain amount of dust. If someone has a family member suffers from allergies, from the establishment birds should be abandoned. Accordingly, the place for the cell must be chosen with that in mind. You can make the most of cardboard and newspaper shirmochki covering the cage with three sides, leaving open the front of a manger. Sometimes it is enough time in two days with a damp sponge to wipe all adjacent to the cell surface. Newspaper-litter with droppings can be removed 1-2 times a day but at night is mandatory. Here the main criterion - the smell. It will, there's no getting around it, but certainly not of such intensity as in a large chicken coop. A lot depends on individual perception. Frankly, when I had six birdies in a 15-meter room, the smell was nothing more than cells with parrots. Of course, the room must be ventilated at least sometimes.
If you are the owner of the garden, kitchen garden, never throw away the litter, it is a most valuable fertilizer. It can be dried or frozen. Spreading in the summer of water in the ratio 10:1 by insisting for two weeks, get a concentrated fertilizer for plant nutrition (add a bucket of manure in a watering can of water).
Quail love poshvyryatsya content feeders. Although it has protective bumpers, a couple of times a day will have to pick up a broom. It's not so bad compared with the same parrots that prefer to stick to their porridge wallpaper. If you fill the trough is not more than half, the debris will be less. Remove stuck in a cage litter should be when it dried up a bit.
If possible, every two months transplant bird in a cardboard box and wash the cage with hot water. Just do not use acidic means not to damage the galvanized.
In the same box can hold sand bath. Fill the bottom of the pure calcined pitch, a layer about 1 cm, good to add a couple tablespoons of ash from the top cover with fine mesh and polyethylene.
Birds love to bathe in the sand, scraping with the feathers and body. The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes, until it is complete silence in the box. Back in the cage, quail for about two hours to sit and luxuriate, as men after a bath.
Birds can be safely left alone at home. The empty manger in the evening even useful. The main thing that has always been water. The design of feeders and drinkers can not be distracted by the birds during the day.
If the apartment is inhabited by cats, it is all very individual. The initial interest in birds to cats may be replaced by ostentatious indifference. But beware instinct - a terrible force.
Very useful to have a little box with the bottom of the grid for a temporary transplant injured or pribolevshey birds.

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