17 January 2012

Quail- puoltry or game bird?

Californian quail
This quail Japanese, the basic form for the production of eggs. Meat is the "Pharaohs". And yet there are Manchu, English, marble and other decorative even.
I like it hot - good trot, fairly well-fed (excess males will still go to the meat). Yes and no wonder the Japanese have their 200 years of breeding. As a result of this breeding - females are concerned only with their egg production. Not weave nests, eggs hatch and not the South do not fly away. In general, try not to fly, but escaped accidentally from a cell, can flit in the room. Wild quail are found also in the Transbaikal, Primorye, Japan, Korea and China. I know that there are thousands of Abkhazia catch nets during the fall flight.
They fly fast, but low. I brought these in smoked form. My two months I found the males are larger ... Wild prefer wet meadows, fleeing from predators in dense grass. Graze a small but dense flock. Therefore, and in cages like to sit tight, and it's many a surprise. And yet, 20x30 cm - is the standard size of a cell for six birdies. And the height should be 15 inches, no more. Sometimes, the bird is frightened, tries to take off and hits the top cover of the cell. If the height is large, the time to get up to speed and can hurt pets, wildlife golovu.Ot kept a low need for bright light, the sun does not like to begin to frolic and bully each other, resulting in bodily injury. Weak scattered light or a small light above the trough - that's what they need. And if you shade the back of the cage, then you will provide excellent quail seating area in the daytime. (Incidentally, some individuals prefer to sleep on his side, his legs outstretched. Comically eerie sight of many frightening). But the lack of opportunity to move to warmer climes in winter forces us to ensure that the temperature of 18-25 degrees quail year-round. They stand up and chill up to 8 degrees, only to rush in this case abandoned. And feel will be important. Desirable to maintain the humidity within 55-80%. In very dry conditions begin to lose the bird feather. In the room the contents dry in the winter when it is working batteries. Account 2-3 times a day to spray the birds with clean water from the sprinkler. Rest of the year, as experience shows, specifically regulate the humidity is not necessary. You also need to avoid the draft, no one likes them.
What to feed? The most convenient - dry chicken feed. If this is not a farm with livestock thousandth, you can always treat the bird and grated cheese, and chopped boiled egg, and nettles, and crumbs from the cookies. But just to indulge by sleeping in the manger with mixed fodder and every little lazy. I gave and chopped worms, maggots, flies, ants eggs and stuff. This is both useful and fun for the birds. However, all new, that gets into the feeder, the quail initially examine visually, then try, and if you like it, when one of your approach with a bowl begins to scream, stomp their feet, in general, has demonstrated its willingness to take a delicacy. Peeled apples can be entirely put directly into the cell. A couple of hours you can pick up a stub.
At a rate of 25-30g of feed per day per bird feeder, I'm trying to keep a half-filled. Since food is less scattered. Once a week makes "lick feeder to shine," even if the quail "dance", begging svezhachka. They like to choose tasty, leaving less then attractive, but useful and necessary component of animal feed.
Of course, it is necessary to monitor the freshness of the feed. When the designated one-month warranty from date of manufacture, I successfully used it and after 4 months of storage, even in summer. Keep it, of course, in a cool and dry. There may be a problem - where to buy a 5-6kg of feed for their 10 birds, if it is sold in bags of 40kg. Everyone decides for himself. If I'm reachable for you, and you can have me. In St. Petersburg, too, is where, tell me if necessary. Anyway, I know of cases of refusal of the birds because of its inability to feed.
Clean your feeders have rarely do them good quail brush. In my mini-farm, I have them my soap with hot water about once every 2-3 months. Quail can drink plain tap water, giving her half a day to settle. My watering every morning and evening, it's easy. During the day the water just topped. Of course, if you see a dung drinkers, which happens rarely, then immediately change the water.
As in any community in the cage with quails can be bullies and outcasts. There are occasional injuries and health problems. I usually bullies beak trimmed nail scissors at 1-2mm, put on a couple of days in "prison" (segregation of the cell). Often helps. Food and water are not denied. Affected, too isolated, treated with appropriate Zelenko levomitsinom, giving the opportunity to recover. Quarantine can be used for the carton with the bottom of the grid, or simply spread out the bottom of the paper. Of course, you need to install drinking and feeding bowls.
Quail rarely get sick, but for prevention of gastro-intestinal problems once a month instead of the water is useful to give a solution furatsilina (1 tablet per 1.5 liters of water). Put the pill in water at night, by morning it emerges, it remains only to crush with a spoon and come loose.
Sometimes there are injuries claws, while on the mat there are big patches of blood, she is also a bird covered in blood as dirty belly and chest. Terrible sight, but not dangerous. Bleeding, though strong, but quickly stops by itself. Better isolate the bird in half a day to clean, and his appearance did not arouse tribesmen.
We were at my birds, and cases of loss of the cloaca. Sometimes, all evaded by itself, sometimes the bird died, especially if relatives are trying to "straighten" the cloaca back. In any case, the bird is better at the time of transplant.
Sometimes, the bird dies, what is not fastened in, stuck in a crack yaytsesbornika, hit her head, trying to fly. Without this cost, although, of course, a bird sorry.

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